This calculator is used to easily calculate result for alignment job using Rim Face or Reverse Dial method. Sometime latest technology may not be available and we still need to perform alignment job with traditional method using dial gauge indicators.Just input dial gauges readings at 0, 3, 6 and 9 oclock into the calculator. This calculator will calculate how much thickness of shims need to be added or removed to make the shafts aligned.Abbreviations:NF = Near feet. These are the feet that nearest to coupling or we call it DE (drive end) of the driver unit such as motor.FF = Far feet. These are the feet that farthest to coupling or we call it NDE (None drive end) of the driver unit such as motor.Disclaimer - Use of this Shaft Alignment Calculator app is at your own risk. The app is provided on an AS-IS basis. We do not take any responsibility for decisions taken by the user based solely on the information provided in this app.